When you are down, feeling helpless and not knowing what to do to get back up, self-pity is your worst enemy. Feeling sorry for yourself is a valid feeling, but dangerous to hold on to. Why? Because it stops you from acknowledging the power you hold within you, to get back up.
You see it all starts with your thoughts. When you begin to see yourself as more than a victim, you are able to examine the role you played and the choices you made that led you to where you are. Can you see that the same power of choice you used to make 'bad' choices, is the same power you can tap into to make 'better' choices?
Once you can embrace this truth, self-pity and victimhood no longer have a place in your thoughts. They are no longer relevant, and the choices you begin to make come from a place of non-victimhood but from a place of power. And the less you see yourself as a victim, the more powerful you feel, because you can make a different choice whenever you want to.
So whenever you are tempted to wallow in self-pity, challenge yourself to stop talking about it. Talk about what you want to do to move forward instead. When friends or family talk about the past and remind you of how you are a victim, challenge yourself to change the subject or even excuse yourself if you need to. Don't stay stuck in the past, let it be a reference point and reminder of how far you've come. Stay focused on the now, what choice or choices do you need to make today to help you move forward and upward?