I've been there....rock bottom. It's an awful place to be. A time filled with hopelessness, helplessness and no sign of light at the end of the tunnel. But there's also something empowering about being there. It's a season that forces you to re-evaluate your life and step outside your secure zone, knowing deep down that if you keep doing what got you there, you will remain stuck.
It can also be a messy and lonely place, ironically even when you are surrounded by people. Deep in thought and emotion, it takes something extraordinary to for you see hope, to see a way out of the darkness.
Don't get me wrong it's rarely a light bulb moment where everything falls into place and someone comes out of the blue to save you. Rather, it is a process filled with stages of anger, self-pity, shame, determination and consistent steps that eventually propel you forward and upward. There is something within us that stops us from giving up completely, and encourages us to fight.
What was your rock bottom? What helped you get back up and start moving towards a positive outcome? What advice would you give someone who has just hit rock bottom?
Join me as I explore the process of getting back up after hitting rock bottom. I'll share personal experiences and lessons learned along the way. I hope and pray that as we take this journey together, we can encourage each other to keep rising.
#rise #beencoraged #dontgiveup #rockbottom #lightattheendofthetunnel #riselifecoachkombe #itdoesgetbetter